Monday, October 8

Dance. Tonight.

I want to dance tonight. I'm dying to go out - no - I'm desperate to go out. I'll go to the hippest bar, wearing my most wicked outfit. Wait, I may buy a new outfit just for that. I'll dance till my soles burn, burning my feet, and then my entire being. I'll be very happy - even ecstatic. I'll laugh, drink some booze, kick it with the next boy in the bar, and bump some coke, or crystal, or crack. Maybe I'll die, live again, and die the next moment. Maybe I'll cry, but just a little. People will look at me, but then shrug off the idea that play on their minds. They'll think that I'm just fucking happy, or high. I'll cry, until my eyes shed bloody tears, until my eye pops out from their sockets. I want to dance tonight. Just tonight.

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